New Beginnings: No Shopping in February Challenge

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I cracked down on myself last night. I made a new email address just for shopping coupons/mailers. I unsubscribed from all the store emails (some I transferred over to my new email), cleaned out my now "old" email... it had to be done.

I've said it many a time on here, and I'm sure I'll always say it. But I have a shopping problem. I love clothes. And shoes. And bags. I love it all! I have this idea in my head of the "life" I want to live-- the niceties of having a "big girl" job and having an expendable income for spur of the moment closet additions. After all, I am a fashionista at heart and it is hard for me to just NOT SHOP. Those words are like death! The reality, however, is bleak (so dramatic, I know. LOL). I am a college student, and a broke one at that. My parents, thank God for them, pay for tuition and living expenses, as well as gas & my sorority. (I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I'm very very very grateful!). But clothes, fun excursions, and dinner are all on me. I have some allowance money and some Premier money, but having school as my focus there just isn't much time to have another job. 

Something had to change. Something has to change. Enter the...

So I fixed up my email, and I will not be checking that store email daily. Or weekly. Or at all. Hopefully I'll forget my password. I also "Unfollowed" many stores on Instagram. My hope with these things is that by not looking at "New Arrivals" or "Sales" or anything of the sort, I will be less likely to venture to the store's site. For y'all, this also means no "Shopping Picks" posts, if I can avoid it, because I don't need anything tempting me. I'm also going to avoid brick-and-mortar stores... This is going to be hard! The end goal? Not buy a single thing for the month of February, rather the rest of February. (YIKES)

My only exceptions are as follows...

So here it goes, wish me luck, feel free to join me! And thank you for listening to my constant frustrations with my shopping problem! 

Have a great Thursday, my sweet readers!