I know I don't typically post on Saturday's but I just had to share a little something with y'all.
I have two stores online that I have put things in my cart. One of these was DSW, where I had a really cute pair of black flats I found on super clearance, only left in my size, which will replace an uncomfortable pair of black flats I already own. I also had a beautiful ankle-strap heel I had fallen in love with and added to my cart because there were ONLY 4 LEFT! (thanks DSW for the pressure!).

(aren't they so cute! shop here!)
This morning I checked the stock and they were down to ONLY 2 LEFT! so I started filling out the rest of the order fields. Before I completed and hit submit however, I stopped myself. I said, (no joke, I legitimately spoke out loud to myself)...
Caroline Nicole... what are you doing? You are trying to be better about impulse buys! Do you need these? No. Anything you would wear these with you could wear nude or black heels with. No that's not as fun, but you are trying to save money. This is why you can never save money, because you shop by the seat of your pants!
So before I could change my mind, I deleted the heels from my shopping cart, quickly finished checking out, closed my computer and walked away. I stood up against my strong shopper psyche!!! And I have to say, it feels good. Sure I am sad I have to see the heels go, because let's be real, by the time I have the money my size probably won't be in stock. But I will survive. They weren't and aren't a necessity. I'll be happier when I have more money to go visit my friend in Nashville this summer, or when I can buy pretty things for my new apartment, or when I go to the first FSU game of the fall in Dallas.
After all, the pair I did end up buying is really so cute and practical. And my total was less than $25!

(love the polka dots!!! shop here, but they only have 5.5's left!)