I bought a giant bag of individually-wrapped salon filets at Whole Foods recently, determined to learn how to cook it and cook it well. Salmon is my favorite fish, and I want become a short of salmon expert!
The other night, I tried a recipe I found via Pinterest (which you can find here, along with many other recipes),
and decided to dive in. Pun 100% intended.
My Adapted Recipe:
-- Put the salmon on a foil-covered baking sheet.
-- Drizzle with olive oil (I used a knife to spread it around a little bit) and sprinkle freshly ground lemon pepper on the fillet.
-- Place fish in a cold oven and turn on oven to 400 degrees. My fillet took about 20 minutes to cook, but the oven was also slightly warm from my roommate using it prior. Anywhere from 20-25 minutes should be a good amount of time.
-- Serve with sides of your choosing! I paired it with steamed asparagus.
The end result was a delicious and flavorful salmon that melted in my mouth!
It was literally some of the best salmon I've had, and I've been to Alaska...

Keeping with the food note, my two roommates and I have decided to try this clean eating cleanse that we found on Buzzfeed, of all places! But it looks great, and as opposed to some of the juice cleanses you actually eat food. In fact, they given you full shopping lists and recipes for 2 full weeks, 3 meals & 2 snacks every day. Overall it's low carb, gluten free, and has you eliminating all processed foods. We started Sunday at breakfast, and as I right this we are about to make dinner. So far, we are happy with the recipes! Nothing too weird, and everything has been plenty filling. I will certainly keep you updated as it progresses!