Fashion Graphically

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I've been looking up and generating my own info graphics for a current project in my Studio 2 class, and it got me thinking how much I love info graphics! That's the designer in me I guess, but they can provide you with great information in a very creative and impressing way. Would you rather read a sentence or paragraph about something, or look at text interspersed with images and graphic elements? I'd certainly pick the latter!

Love this easy to follow formula for days when you stand in your closet perplexed!

Mint is a great color to bring into your wardrobe for all seasons of the year. And now you know what to mix with it.

I've used this several times to help me de-clutter my closet. It helps!

The neon trend is still popular so this info graphic is here to help!

Do you feel informed?