Even though I'm not 100% sure of my Halloween plans yet, I need to start thinking about costume ideas, since we are about 2 weeks away! Since I'm on a college student budget, I'd love to be able to shop my closet, or pick something I can find easily at a thrift store. I already have a blue wig, which would work for the Katy Perry costume or Thing One & Two. I can pull some white pieces together for the Flo costume, and I have everything minus a good hat for the scarecrow costume. I love the uniqueness of the Girl With A Pearl Earring costume, and that fuels my love for art. And in all my 22 years of Halloweens I haven't seen a strawberry, a Morton Salt Girl, or a recreation of the iconic V-Day photo. I'm certainly all for originality!
How will I ever decide?! What are you wearing for Halloween?