I had hoped for today's post to be more... fun, but alas it is just a simple post about life lately.
Yesterday, I turned in two projects, I have a second deliverable for one of the projects due today, and I'm just so tired and excited for the semester to come to a close!
This Irish Proverb is one of my favorites quotes, because I think it's absolutely true. However, at the moment I feel like I need the long sleep before I can have a good laugh! It's truly been a very trying week on me; in addition to the projects and school work I also had to take my sweet kitty boy Berlioz to the vet. He's having symptoms of another UTI, and it had already decided that he would be on prescription food for life since he is prone to them. I feel so sorry for the poor little guy! And then on top of that, my car is having some issues and I'm just praying I can get to the shop before things get worse!
There is certainly a light at the end of the tunnel though! Tomorrow I'm getting a hair cut and color (taking out the red! mixing it up with a slightly different cut!) and then next week I have plans to have a spa day at home so I'm really excited for that.
I hope y'all have a great Thursday!