Most of this week was spent either laying in bed or sitting up in bed with a horrible case of sinus allergies, but with spurts of energy and allergy meds kicking in, it still managed to be a fun week!
1. While putting away clean dishes, a certain rambunctious kitty boy by the name of Berlioz discovered a "fun" new spot, much to his mom's dismay.
2. The debate about which book to start after finishing The American Heiress still continues, even after seeking out help on social media. (Help me choose! Her Fearful Symmetry or One Thousand White Women?)
3. I wore this cute outfit, accessorized by Premier Jewelry of course!
4. I dug up this candid shot from years ago in celebration of my dad's birthday... Classic Amy family antics here, circa late 1990's. Notice my headphones, choker necklace, and bandanna hairpiece. Oh so stylish!
5. I have cooked these eggplant pizzas twice this week. Recipe to come soon! They are so so yummy!
Have an awesome weekend, my stylish readers!