Five Friday Favorites

Friday, January 29, 2016

This week seems like it's gone on forever! SO much happened this week for me; lots of exciting things. I won't share everything, but here are just a few highlights...

1. Over the weekend, I went hiking with my brother. He's always finding new hiking spots, and I hadn't enjoyed the outdoors like that in awhile so I decided it was time I got an abundance of fresh air in my lungs! We had a ton of fun; it's so nice to have him here at college with me. 

2. Monday, the designer of my wedding dress posted on her Instagram that she was going to buy everyone coffee! The picture was of a bar code, and I have no idea how much was on the gift card but  it was almost 1 in the afternoon and there was still room to pay for my chai tea latte. How sweet is that?! 

3. Wednesday we turned in the first part of our semester-long project. I cannot wait to start getting into the designing process now that all the pre-design research is complete!

4. This was my cute outfit for a day of classes, followed by hanging out with friends. When I got home and changed into my pjs to work on a few things before bed, I got a text from my G-Big who I forgot was in town for the night. She now lives in Texas, so clearly I had to put clothes back on and go catch up with her. :) 

5. I spent some much needed time away from the computer and on my couch doing my History of Interiors reading with a cozy blanket and my kitty boy in my lap. He's not sleeping in this picture because he had just noticed I had a pen up on the couch with me next to my notebook, and pens of course are his favorite toy ever. About a minute after I snapped this picture he made the epic lunge for it! 

How was your week? Can you believe January is already nearly over?!