My January Style

Monday, February 1, 2016

Here's a look at some of my favorite outfits (and yours!) from the month of January! Shameless plug here, but I have to say that I feel like my personal style was 100% on point this month. One thing I attribute that to is starting off the month going through my closet, and then repeating about half way through the month. This gave my favorite pieces a little more breathing room, and allowed me to see what I actually wear and love!

About a year ago I wrote a post on Defining Your Personal Style. Looking back, I feel like I was certainly on my way to zeroing in on my personal style, but I still wasn't really there yet. To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm really there now either! But this month I definitely came closer; I felt like I always knew what I wanted to wear, which hasn't always been the case in the past. I've been reading a lot of articles recently about capsule wardrobes, so I wonder if that has had any effect. I also participated in two Instagram-based fashion challenges in January, which kept my creative juices flowing. Who knows what it is, but either way I'm happy that I'm finally feeling as if I'm starting to figure something out. :)

A few of the capsule wardrobe / minimalist articles I've read recently that are inspiring...

The Capsule Wardrobe series by blogger Kat Berries that begins with Step 0: The Big Wardrobe Purge

Do you know what your personal style is? Have you ever tried a capsule wardrobe? I want to know!