Post-Birthday Shopping Challenge Recap

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

So if you've been following me for awhile, you've probably read about my Post-Birthday Shopping Challenge I gave to myself... (Intro post here, update post here). I told myself I wouldn't spend more than my extra $150 outside of my gift cards. 

I'm pretty funny...That didn't quite happen. From what my records show, I went over $22.14, but unfortunately I know it was probably more like $50 or more (I just forgot to record it). 

Even though I obviously missed my goal, I have to say that I have definitely learned some things about myself and my current shopping habits, and what I can improve upon. Because after all, money doesn't grow on trees and I need to nip any bad habits in the bud now before I have to start paying back student loans on top of fun shopping!

Below are some of my observations/etcetera  from this little experiment:

1. Despite going over budget, I learned how to really think about things before I buy them. I've tried to use the questions

 - Will I properly care for this? If it is truly a hand wash or dry clean item, I walk away before even trying on! (Although some things say hand wash but you can tell they'd be ok in the washer on a delicate or light cycle.)
- Do I already have things in my closet that this will go with? Easy.
- How many different places can I wear this? Being in a sorority, I need things for chapter meetings, but I want to make sure I can also wear everything I buy to classes, going out to dinner, etc. 
- Do I truly  NEED this? Sound simple but I have broken this many times before. Want does not always equal need. 
- If I have the occasion to, will I wear it tomorrow? This question really helps me determine if I love an item or not. If I'm so excited about it that I want to wear it tomorrow or the next day, than it's probably going to be a good asset to my closet.

2. I have a hard time sticking to a list, because my needs and wants change over time. At the end of the day though, as long as I go through the questions above and love the item, it's ok.

3. I have a hard time keeping track of where my money is going. I use an app called Envelopes to try and help with this, but sometimes I pay for something with cash, sometimes a card, sometimes both. To combat this, I think I need to either make a separate envelope or make a "Note" in my phone outlining what I've bought. 

4. I still have no idea how to stick to a budget, or how much to set aside from my small and fluctuating income (between parent money, the occasional gift check, and part-time Premier). Once I figure it out, I'll let you know!

Life is a learning curve and I've made financial mistakes before as related to clothes (freshman year at SCAD... yikes! Still scarred! lol). But I know I can conquer this goal by the end of the year. I WILL DO IT!

Any tips for the college-age fashionista? 
